A Warm Recommendation

“The metal roof of my garage had been replaced after Sydney’s big hailstorm of 2007/2008. There had been small intermittent leaking behind the roller door. My insurance company contacted a North Shore Remedial company. Scott was assigned to look into the problem. After examining the roof he found the cause. The roofer who had replaced the hail-damaged roof had not turned up the metal sheets correctly and had used the wrong ridge capping.  Scott carried out the necessary repairs.

Were my troubles over? No, because in 2010 I had had a new metal roof erected over my family room. It soon began leaking, and my insurance company found faulty workmanship – missing flashing (photos were supplied to me).

I decided to contact Scott and ask if he could help me again. He agreed to do so.

When he examined the roof, again there was a problem with the metal sheets. They had not been turned up to the correct height. This had allowed wind-driven rain to enter the gap and leak into the ceiling. Scott carried out the necessary repairs – no more leaks. I can relax now in rainy weather with no more anxious looks at the ceiling.

It has made me aware of how we are so reliant on a tradesman’s competence. When you find a good, reliable, knowledgeable worker you have struck gold.

With his knowledge of roofs and how to fix their problems, I have no hesitation in recommending a very competent Scott Cooper.”

– Mrs. Mildred Fitzgibbon.